Ko'rsatilgan xizmatlar ro'yxati
- Sun'iy qon aylanish yordamida koronar bypass operatsiyasi
- Yurak urishida koronar bypass operatsiyasi
- Multifokal ateroskleroz uchun karotid endarterektomiya bilan bir vaqtda koronar bypass operatsiyasi
- Bir vaqtning o'zida miokard revaskulyarizatsiyasi bilan yurak qopqog'ini almashtirish
- Chap qorincha anevrizmasini tiklash
- mini-accesss dan yurak operatsiyalari (MICSCAB, MIDCAB),
a (mini-access orqali yurak qopqog'ini almashtirish)
b (mini-access orqali koronar bypass operatsiyasi)
c (mini-kirish orqali chap qorincha anevrizmasini tuzatish)
- ko'tarilgan va torakal aorta patologiyalari bo'yicha operatsiyalar
- The department was established in 1994 on the basis of the surgery center;
- More than 500 high-tech operations on the heart and vessels of the carotid basin are performed per year;
- The department employees have been awarded orders and medals for scientific developments and the introduction of new technologies in cardiac surgery;
- Minimally invasive technologies have been introduced in cardiac surgery since May 2022
- The department staff consists of 8 surgeons and a cardiologist
- The department is deployed on 35 beds
- Every year, specialists are sent for training/advanced training to foreign clinics
- Joint operations on the aortic arch with colleagues from the CIS countries are regularly performed